
Howdy - more photos to share

On my last off-days, I went to the Mariposa Folk Festival. It was quite an amazing experience - lots of interesting things to check out, great new bands and musicians to discover and the weather was just fantastic.

This was one of my favorite musicians at the festival - Catherine MacLellan.

Mariposa Folk Festival

After my off-days, it was back to work. Here are more photos from the field site.

Sunrise on 2010-07-25

Gorgeous Sunrise

Sunset on 2010-07-24


Grant's Woods and George Langman Sanctuary

It's been a while since I last posted a post. Between today (my off-day) and the last time I posted, I had two more off-days when I went to Orillia and checked out the city and the surrounding natural areas - Grant's Woods and George Langman Sanctuary, both of which I would definitely recommend for people to visit and enjoy nature.

Grant's Woods

Turk's-cap Lily  (Lilium superbum)

Turk's-cap Lily (Lilium superbum)

Grant's Woods

Grant's Woods
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