
Photos with captions

Kat with White-throated Sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis)
One day, a juvenile White-throated Sparrow hit our cabin window. We quickly took it off the ground and put it in a small cloth bag (for birds), waited for it to gain conscious, then my co-worker Kat released it back to wherever it belong. It didn't want to fly away right away but did soon afterwards.

Hairy Woodpecker (Picoides villosus) on Mullein
It was always strange to see a woodpecker hanging on a Mullein looking for insects.


Just can't get enough of shrikes!

Eastern Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius  ludovicianus migrans) family

Eastern Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius  ludovicianus migrans)

Eastern Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius  ludovicianus migrans) in flight

Eastern Loggerhead Shrikes (Lanius  ludovicianus migrans)

Trip to Algonquin Provincial Park

I am currently sitting in a cafe in Bobcaygeon trying to sort out my photos, upload them, and write a blog (or two). Basically, a very time-consuming process.

There is one more week left here in our field site before we pack everything up and call this a season, and a week-and-half before I fly back to B.C. I'm definitely going to miss this place - the animals, the field site, the people, and more.

Anyways, here're some photos from my trip to Algonquin a couple of weeks ago. I am very glad my co-worker persuaded me to take this trip and allowed me to borrow her camping equipment to make this trip possible! Thanks!

From my campground - Tea Lake

Tea Lake in Algonquin

Tea Lake


More photos - Awenda & Muskoka Wildlife Centre & others

Good evening everyone. I just spent the past two-and-half days camping in Algonquin Provincial Park and enjoying my long off-days. It was an amazing experience. Hopefully by next time I post, I will have sorted the photos to share, e.g. otters, moose, beautiful lakes, etc. But now, here are photos from the past two weeks and my last off-days.

A nice photo from Awenda Park

Maple leaves
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